2023 Dune Events (June 28th update)

Coastal Sand Dunes Session
4.00-5.00pm, Thursday 6th July
Connecting local communities and other beach and dune champions
This is a workshop with the objectives: to highlight who is doing what in coastal dunes, and to network between these stakeholders.
The session is part of
The Mary Robinson Climate Conference
July 6th & 7th, Ballina, Mayo
Earlier this year

LIFE on Machair has 2 up coming events
Doonloughan, Connemara June 24th
Magheragallon, Donegal June 25th
6th European Climate Change Adaptation Conference2023
June 19th - 21st, Dublin
World Sand Dune Day
June 25th - events at many locations, have you organised an event for your dunes?
Dynamic Dunescapes Conference
March 2023
RECORDED session available here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLych7KdtCdHrhcR7kNWmdXx3Q4oOXY_8D
Environ 2023 Donegal, 3rd-5th April 2023
33rd Irish Environmental Researchers Colloquium
CIEEM 2023 Irish Conference: Aiming for a Nature Positive Ireland
Athlone, April 25th http://events.cieem.net/Events/EventPages/25042023000000CIEEM2023IrishConferenceAimingforaNaturePositiveIreland.aspx
DCU Centre for Climate and Society Annual Conference Dublin, April 26th, Wednesday Our keynote speakers this year are: Eamon Ryan T.D. (Minister for Environment) & Eoghan Daltun (An Irish Atlantic Rainforest: A Personal Journey into the Magic of Rewilding)
Rewild & Renew: DCU Centre for Climate and Society Annual ConferenceAs we face into the dual climate and biodiversity loss crises, how can different sectors of society respond and renew the fight?Eventbrite
54th Conference of Irish Geographers - Resilience
May 16th- 19th 2023, Wexford Town https://www.conferenceofirishgeographers.ie
EPA Climate Change Conference 2023
No info yet on EPA website
Thursday 25 May 2023, Dublin Castle
World Ocean Day Fair Seas Conference
June 8th Cork City Hall