Blog 4 - Coastal Change Management in 9 steps: some suggestions for the Minister
GUEST BLOG by Dr Eugene Farrell @DoctorDune
(The following is compiled from a series of tweets by Eugene last Sept)
Yesterday Minister for @HousingPress Housing, Local Government & Heritage
@DarraghOBrienTD led the 1st meeting of the National Coastal Change Management Strategy Steering Group to develop an integrated, whole of Government coastal change strategy. Our input will be critical!

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What should we advise him to include? please add in your valuable perspectives/counter-arguments to my 1-9 list @IGGyGroup @Quaternary_Irl @CleanCoasts @MarineInst @RyanInstitute @geogsocire @BSG_Geomorph @EGU_GM@NatCap_Irl @Irishwildlife @wildatlanticway @ohaganam @MaREIcentre
Step 1.
Determine how ambitious new #climate #policy will be manifested in CDPs and LAPs? How do we support societal research? @LGMAIreland @LAsIreland @ClimateIreland @Dept_CCAE @HousingPress @scienceirel @EPAIreland@GeolSurvIE @CARO_ASBN @DublinCARO
Step 2.
Support long term coastal #monitoring programmes (#satellites, #UAV) with observations of #hydrodynamics to build predictive #models for scenario testing for #RSL and #storminess (wave height, direction, storm duration) connected to #wave run up @opwireland @GeolSurvIE
Step 3.
I believe it is time to re-assess the #inequity of #Natura2000 designations in #rural coastal communities. @npwsBioData@NatCap_Irl @ecologyireland #SAC #SPA @EU_ENV #conservation #preservation #biodiversity @BioDataCentre@uccBEES #Water #Birds #Habitats #Directives

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(I am not sure who runs this website, but the photo nicely gets across the idea that
not everyone is overly enthusiastic about Natura 2000 designations – Kevin Lynch)
Step 4.
Resource #planners working to make the transition from planning to implementing and yet remain (their words, not mine) severely under resourced, inadequately trained, swamped by technical papers, and under pressure from external/internal politics @LAsIreland @MDesm0nd
Step 5.
@NormaFoleyTD1 @Education_Ire Please undo the damage that @McHughJoeTD did trying to whittle down #Geography in our schools @peter_lydon #savegeography @geogsocire #GeographyMatters @GeogNUIG@TCD_Geography @Maynoothgeog @GeographyUCC @JctGeography @RIAdawson @megafloods
Step 6.
That amended #foreshore act? No one knows who is responsible for #coastal #protection. Centralise this now....decades waiting for change. Give @LAsIreland autonomy & protect them to make the hard decisions @Dept_CCAE @HousingPress @MaREIcentre
Step 7.
Start banking the compensation bucket today. Cheaper to act now and set precedent. The #insurance sector: they have added nothing to any sector in this country ever. Insurance is for risk yet they don’t want the risk. Make a central state insurance programme like US FEMA

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Step 8.
Experience shows that empowering coastal communities to make change is the best long term solution; build infrastructure to support to these communities so they have the capacity to live safely, host visitors, and build local economies based on our coast @Failte_Ireland
Step 9.
To Minister @DarraghOBrienTD: Please make contact with ALL the relevant #stakeholders if you want clarification on any of the Steps 1 to 8 (and feedback therein). We will support you and share our knowledge and networks if you are willing to listen.
In summary
Step 1. Determine how ambitious new climate policy will be in CDPs and LAPs
Step 2. Support long term coastal monitoring programmes
Step 3. Re-assess the inequity of Natura 2000 designations
Step 4. Resource planners properly
Step 5. Restore Geography in our schools
Step 6. Amend the Foreshore Act
Step 7. Create a central state insurance programme
Step 8. Empower coastal communities
Step 9. Include ALL the relevant stakeholders